Q & A
Frequently asked questions
To meet the growing demand for computers we are on a nationwide search for large donations of technology from corporations and government entities. Our goal is to give a computer to every student that needs one. Aggressive, yes. Crucial, YES! We are dedicated to work quickly to collect, refurbish, and distribute computers.
Any laptop computers, desktop computers, tablets, monitors, keyboards, and other computer accessories. Equipment does not need to be operable. Our professional technicians bring computers to like-new condition before distributing out into the community.
Absolutely. When we receive computers without hard drives we will replace drives as part of the refurbishing process. That said, we work with over 1,500 companies to handle their end-of-life data sanitization. Review our data sanitization guarantees and let us know if you have any questions.
After you submit your inquiry form a shipping logistics professional will reach out to discuss shipping or free pick-up options.
Refurbished computers are distributed to those identified as eligible students. Each computer will come with all necessary power cords, Windows 10, LibreOffice, antivirus software, 1-year hardware warranty, and free shipping.
Yes! Every computer helps get us closer to our goal. Please fill out the inquiry form and our logistics professional will reach out for next steps.
Yes! If you have 3 years or newer tablets, phones, laptops, and desktop computers taking up space in your closet you can ship them directly to us. Your donation will go through the same refurbishing process and be distributed to students in need. Please fill out the form and a team member will contact you with further instructions.